How We Serve

when-a-cowboy-dies-1398108With acclaimed Cowboy poetry, amusing stories, and heartfelt testimonies Fallen but Forgiven Cowboy Ministry Geoff and Kim are the perfect guest speakers to teach, preach and reach your church family like no other.

Geoff is a life long Cowboy, a poet, and storyteller who was called to the ministry several years ago. Like a lot of cowboys, Geoff can turn his hand to almost anything – even cooking. Geoff is has Red Seal Certification in cooking,  with multiple years experience in baking and meat cutting. He is Certified Culinary Educator, and nutrition teacher with 40 years’ experience in the hospitality industry. Kim grew up in the church and while attending bible college found her passion for researching the bible. This unique combination allows Fallen but Forgiven Cowboy Ministry the ability to offer their unique brand of ministry sharing God’s Word.